One Piece 949 - Page 1

The long awaiting finally comes to an end! one piece 949 manga is now out to satisfy your manga cravings! Make it a habit to sneak-a- peek daily at we bring the latest and rawest one piece 949 spoilers right before your very eyes! I suppose someone will be in charge of going to inform the others that Udon is now the rendevous. Kidd and Killer are there as well, so there's a lot of firepower. Still curious about when the BMP will get involved. Since communications were cut off, they don't know BM was at Udon. There's also less chance they will happen to stumble upon Queen taking BM to Kaido. I feel BM reaching Kaido needs to happen first or things might play out weird. If BMP are following clues, they might get to find out a 'giant granny' went in the direction of Udon though. It would be more fun if they just show up at the festival and there's an all out war and chaos.
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Queen, a mechanic who likes to build weapons and viruses. Viruses aside, sounds like our shipwright Franky. Those plague bullets seem really effective and explains how they could keep prisoners in check even without heavyweights like Calamities present. MS and JB have a different translation on page 8 regarding who ordered Kawamatsu's execution, one say Orochi, the other Kaido... Kiku looks interesting with that mask on and people have been wondering if he is possibly a Kijo(KIkunoJO) but Chopper/Luffy say it's a mask. Also, where is Iva-chan when you need him to help Kiku with his issues... :toc So, Raizo rivals Fukurokuju when it comes to nin-jutsu... Not sure if I an excited for that battle if it happens. :oh Kawamatsu looks relatively strong but his design is way too silly lol, it wasnt worth all the silhouette teases but maybe I am jumping the gun way too early. Hopefully, this Udon plotline is wrapping up, it has dragged on for too long and could have been a lot shorter... Looking forward to some action in the capital after the break, fingers crossed it's not back to Udon again.

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One Piece 949 - Page 2

Looking for One Piece 949 manga? Stop searching because the search is over, enjoy the most recent and up to date One Piece 949. It is our pleasure to satisfy your One Piece 949 manga craving.
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So just finished reading the completed chapter this time, I am so glad that we've moved to the cover stories again. Looks like Capone Gang Bege escaped indeed. I wasnt sure they actually escaped on Big Mama's boat instead of their own. Looks like the Tarte ship acted like a distraction to allow them to go through. Considering how Mama's forces was so focussed on the strawhats, this seems plausible. I hope the cover story delves deeper into events or characters related the the WCI storyline. Perhaps the Germa escape, and the most awaited, Jinbei's fate.

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One Piece 949 - Page 3

We are pleasured to post the latest One Piece manga 949, however, the scanlation is not yet released, but be certain to visit our site regularly because we would definitely post it the moment it is out for the public.
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Now Luffy's at it again, looking at all the weaklings and seeing how he can use them for practice. I am liking the fact that he isnt gaining it instantly. Even future sight took time, this should take a lot more. It was also funny to see Okiku and Chopper's conv... Since Okiku is only familiar with Olin and not Linlin, her comment makes perfect sense. But Chopper's reaction to it is priceless.. 20 years in prison can really affect people. The prisoner's hopes and dreams broken so bad that they'd rather go with and be in the same scenario. All hope for a rebellion is lost without their leaders, specially after 20 years.

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One Piece 949 - Page 4

Searching for One Piece 949? Be glad as the hottest and latest One Piece Manga 949 is up for your satisfaction. Visit us on a regular basis to catch out the most up to date scans.

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We finally get a glimpse of why Queen is nick-named "the plague". I am sure those excitement bullets are also a product of Caesar Clown's science. Jack the draught, Queen the plague, and King the wildfire. All these epithets could mean they have weapons that help aide their fights in a specific manner. We saw Jack t have a weapon which kills everything in the surrounding, so draught was an apt title. Considering how that tech came from Caesar, these plague bullets being his doesnt seem so far-fetched either. I bet King's fire could be a result of the same thing too.

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One Piece 949 - Page 5

Be cheerful, the long awaiting comes to an end for the latest One Piece 949 is now out. Make it a habit to visit this site for we post the most recent and up to date scans.

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Now the titular character for this chapter's appearance was pretty cool! Oda is really mixing it up with the 9 scabbards. All of them will have some uniqueness while maintaining a japanese theme. Kawamatsu is a Suma wrestler! I loved the next few pages leading to his introduction, it was so cool to see him make an appearance. I was the first person to say he's a Kappa and a flat headed one, but didnt expect him to appear so cool. A sumo wrestler with a sword, now thats one person who'll have both Luffy and Zoro starstruck!! And he even has his duckface on!!! We can also see his webbed hands. IF he's not a new species, i'd expect he's half human, half platypus mink, considering how all minks are mammals. But again, dont think platypus' can hold fish for 13 years. They do fit the water theme though, and generate electricity. And what's with Babanuki, just eating a banana as if nothing's happened.

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One Piece 949 - Page 6

One Piece 949 shall be posted on Wednesday or as soon as it is released, we post the most up to date scans so be sure to take a peek momentarily on our site. We move from there to the best panel of the year! The buildup to the panel was soo amazing as well, but the panel just stole the show for me. Notice how Oda even didnt include CHopper there, poor chopper.
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I've been talking of a theory where this would be Chopper's arc, meaning he'd really flourish here. Since his Rumble ball does great affects to zoans, a mix of that with Otama's ability would mean they can actually topple a huge chunk of Kaido's army just like that. Love Okiku's..... i mean Kikunojo's look. The mask is her real identity, and it makes sense how she could linger around Wano without being recognized. Kikunojo of the lingering snow, love that.... even the "woman at heart part!". Again we see Luffy not react to that, just saying her mask looks scary! That's so like Luffy, makes no judgement on people's looks. Raizo is also revealed to be the greatest rival to Fukurokuju, which would mean we'll see a ninja level battle. Cant wait for that, specially since no other series did justice to it.

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One Piece 949 - Page 7

We are eager to post the newest and up-to-the-minute One Piece 949 spoiler and summary but for the moment be thrilled to read the prediction.

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Luffy has grown acutely sharper and smarter since Whole Cake Island. When the prisoners tried to subdue him, instead of telling them the Akazaya (9 sheathes) were alive, he took into account they wouldn't just believe him unless he could prove their existence, thus why he brings up "Kawamatsu" as a way to let the prisoners know the Akazaya 9 are here and they're really do have hope in their stand against Kaido and Orochi. This is character development for Luffy.

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One Piece 949 - Page 8

Welcome to, we are thrilled to bring to you One Piece 949 for your enjoyment, visit our site frequently for the most recent and hottest mangas.

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As the story progresses, the theme we should all be aware of by now is "Freedom". That is the core of the story. The people of Udon state their inability to attain freedom, thus their despair despite the short lived and transient moments of happiness seeing Luffy cause some disorder to the Beast Pirates. Wherever Luffy goes, he frees people from subjugation, poverty, slavery, etc. This is why Luffy will eventually return to WCI for those that haven't pieced that together... Big Mom will essentially be saved one way or the other.

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One Piece 949 is now up for your satisfaction; rest assured that we bring the most-up-to-date mangas so visit our site as often as you can to be updated on the latest and hottest mangas.

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In the introduction to the 9 sheathes, it seems the reason O-Kiku isn't recognised is because back 20 years ago in Oden's era, she wore that mask and that's how O-Kiku's recognised. That's why she's been able to walk through Wano unknown to anyone unlike Kinemon, Raizo and co. On another related note, I'm not certain O-Kiku is a man. I think the "a woman at heart" is likely just referencing the limitations of women. I have no idea if this is true, but maybe someone who knows the history of japan during this era can confirm this idea as holding any water.

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Greetings! manga fans, enjoy reading One Piece 949, we post the latest and hottest manga so be sure to sneak a peek as often as you could to be informed of the most recent updates.

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I think she just wears a mask to hide her identity as a female as females may not have been allowed to be Samurai. In order to come across or be assumed as male, she wore the mask. Just my thoughts, could be wrong in this regard, but later chapters will indicate or otherwise. We finally get why Queen is called the plague. My initial thoughts were he was wearing the plague epithet given he's an infectious fellow charisma-wise and we often see his subordinates dance along with him. However, I guess the name is probably one given to him by the WG for his criminal activities, so this makes the most sense. Simply put, he tends to use biological weapons to spread diseases, thus the epithet. I wouldn't be too surprised if he had Caesar's gas weapons.

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One Piece 949 - Page 11

The long break is over, take pleasure in reading One Piece 949, we are fond of updating you manga fans of the hottest and most recent mangas so visit regularly for your satisfaction.

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Luffy takes over Udon, the question most should have is whether Kaido will hear of the news soon as are the fears of the Udon prisoners. We can assume he won't and more so because the festival needs to happen and can only happen under conditions where Wano looks to be in absolute control of Orochi and Kaido, otherwise they'll be alert to threats. This is no different to the WCI wedding taking place only because they thought the SHs were dealt with already. The fact the snailms are also out of commission also makes this a lot easier to justify narratively.

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Hot and raw! One Piece Chapter 949 spoiler is now released! Spread the good news to everyone, sit and be thrilled on One Piece Manga 949. We get pleasure from your manga experience satisfaction, visit our website as often as you can for the most up-to-date scans.

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One Piece 949 - Page 13

Greetings! We are excited to post the spoiler of One Piece 949, however, the spoiler would still be out this Wednesday. In the meantime, enjoy the prediction and discussions that are confirmed by the author himself and visit regularly for the most recent and hottest mangas.

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The spoiler of One Piece chapter 949 is currently unavailable but be sure to anticipate the release; it would be out in the period in-between, relax and be thrilled by the discussion of One Piece 949 prediction. Visit frequently because we bring manga up-to-the-minute of its release!

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One Piece 949 - Page 16

One Piece 949 isn't out yet, but you should be able to get an early One Piece 949 spoilers of the manga every Wednesday while the One Piece 949 scans English version were out on Thursday. I will be sharing you guys the upcoming One Piece 949 Manga.
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One Piece 949 - Page 17

One Piece Chapter 949 - Page 1 is Released in Full Color. is the best place to read One Piece 949 manga 949 online. Watch One Piece 949 chapter and other manga in high quality for FREE. I could agree with the "15 pages for Kawamatsu" - but you have to understand that he has a big part of this arc, one of these men are supposed to take down 100 men, and we've seen how much focus the mountain bandits had.
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What I cant agree with is your comment about Chopper. He more or less brought a Yonkou to the prison who started a brawl against a Calamite who eventually escaped with Big Mom so the rest could start the prisonbreak. Chopper is silent but deadly, living up to his 100 beli bounty. We just have to accept that this arc will take its time and I am not suprised over that the prison is a mayor part since all the people who stands against Kaidou are likely dead or in Udon. And who is in Udon if not the future Pirate King? Prisoners talking about freedom etc.. O-Kikus mask was a bit weird. Hope we get some facts from Artur (Library of Ohara) about it. And she was a he all the time..? Isnt it pretty cool that Kappa is a legendary samurai and he've been protecting Hiyori for a long time, and now Zoro is protecting her from danger. They will exchange a few words about sword styles and honor imo.

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One Piece 949 - Page 18

One Piece 949 chapter is not yet available. Please bookmark this page, and check back later for updates. In the meantime, you can take time to view this video from our sponsors.
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If Kiku really is a man, it just shows that Oda (Shounen in general) have a lot of work to do when it comes to female characters. I mean, seriously, it's Hancock, Tsuru and Big Mom. Those are our strongest female characters. I know there's another female vice admiral (wow, two), who seems to be admiral level, but Oda didn't create her. A fan did. Nico Robin is not even close to being top tier within the crew. Shanks has no female crew member, neither did WB. Kaido has, but they're insignificant. Big Mom is a punchline. Tsuru a has been. Which leaves us with Hancock... Oda's style is so fresh, I want to see him draw women who kick ass. Think Belle-Mere.

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