Capone "Gang" Bege

Capone "Gang" Bege is a mafia don-turned-pirate and the captain of the Fire Tank Pirates. He is also one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation". He and his crew came from West Blue, where Bege was one of the heads of the Five Families of the West. During the timeskip, he became a subordinate of Charlotte Linlin and married Charlotte Chiffon. The two have a son named Capone Pez. While working under the Big Mom Pirates, he held a position of a rook combatant. Bege formed a temporary alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates in order to kill Big Mom. After his plan failed, Bege effectively became an enemy of the Yonko and her crew.

Sometime during the timeskip, his bounty increased from Beli138,000,000 to Beli300,000,000. Due to his allegiance and actions, he is the secondary antagonist of the Zou Arc. Bege is a short man with a stocky build whose appearance is somewhat similar to that of a Mafia boss. He sports an oiled-up and slicked-back hairstyle befitting that of a crime don. His facial features have a very stern look to them further accentuated by his rather sharp but hooking beak-like nose. He also has five o'clock stubble on his upper lip.

He wears a black-and-white pinstriped attire, complete with a green scarf around his neck, with the excess tucked inside the suit (making it look like a cravat). Like Crocodile, Bege wears very expensive golden rings with precious stones mounted on them, but because Bege has two hands, all his fingers (including the thumbs) have them. As for his personal effects, he has a pirate captain's coat with red and gold trimming and a fedora hat, both of which he only seems to wear for traveling purposes. He is often seen smoking a cigar, except when eating. In an SBS Volume 64, Oda drew the Supernovas as children. Bege is shown as a kid with a curlier hair and a shorter and rounder head. He wore a shirt and tie. He was also depicted as playing with guns, knives, and a fortress made of blocks, referencing his Devil Fruit abilities. After the timeskip, he has a thick goatee and a darker hat. During the Zou Arc, he sported a pair of sunglasses resembling those worn by Pekoms. During the Whole Cake Island Arc, Bege wore a rose on the left breast of his suit. Curiously, in spite of being forty before the timeskip, he seems to have grown to at least Sanji's height as seen from their initial confrontation.

Despite being a notorious pirate, Bege is a refined gentleman of great sophistication. He dresses himself in fine suits, enjoys fine dining even on board his ship at sea, and also has an aesthetic hobby of looking at paintings. He is strongly appalled by things like bad table manners and rudeness. He usually maintains a reserved and calm demeanor. Due to his deep sophistication, Bege is very particular about cleanliness and hygiene as he ordered his men to tell the Straw Hat Pirates to take a bath to clean themselves and even gives them new clothes to dress in as he strongly refuses to even talk to people who are dirty despite having an urgent important meeting for an alliance to assassinate a Yonko. He even goes to the trouble of forcing two of his enemies, Brûlée and Diesel, to clean themselves up and dresses them in clean clothes.

However, he can be very impatient and ill-tempered and is not at all above injuring others, even his own crew, should they provoke his ire even the slightest as shown when he struck a crew member with a fork without so much as an apology. For so long as he is not agitated, he appears to be a pirate who prefers to avoid making a scene whenever as possible in order to not confront enemies that he might view as troublesome, such as Admiral Kizaru, Sanji, Brook, and the Mink Tribe. An example of this is when he was perfectly willing to meet Monkey D. Luffy, but had no qualms with using violence against the latter if he became angered.

Though he may not always be inclined to fight, Bege is a fearless man who will not hesitate to fight someone should it proves beneficial or necessary, regardless of how strong they are. His Devil Fruit plays a large role in that. When he does engage in battle, he tends to just walk into danger on his own, since he can easily summon numerous subordinates at any time and place to fight on his behalf. It also seems to be for this reason that he appears to view his crew as somewhat expendable, made apparent by the fact he did not seem bothered about smoking them out despite their protests.

Bege is extremely sadistic and bloodthirsty. He does not crave power himself, but rather aims to destabilize the factions in power and watch the resulting struggle for power for his own entertainment. Everywhere he goes, he takes out the leaders of the groups opposing him in order to achieve this, only caring for his opponents' treasure and the bloodshed he will see from them later. He even decapitates animals simply to entertain himself. His enjoyment of chaos does not exclude that which is caused by someone other than himself, as seen when he grinned widely at the havoc caused by Luffy's duplicates during Big Mom's Tea Party. When the Whole Cake Chateau was collapsing, Bege hysterically laughed upon the destruction and the Big Mom Pirates falling. In terms of his assassination plans failing, Bege will settle with the chance of humiliating them as it will destabilize the factions in power by ruining their reputation, which succeeded with him, his crew, and the Straw Hat Pirates escaping Totto Land. Even Mont-d'Or wanted to prevent them from escaping as it would ruin the Big Mom Pirates' reputation.

Despite his bloodthirsty nature, Bege does have some degree of mercy and self-control. According to Jinbe, while he slaughtered leaders of powerful organizations, he left their subordinates such as mafia members of the other Four of the Five Great Families or pirate crewmates of infamous pirate captains alone and only viciously retaliated when they attempted revenge. Despite his initial enmity towards Luffy for the trouble he caused at Sabaody Archipelago as well as Luffy attempting to punch him for trying to kill Pekoms, Bege readily forgave Luffy after forming their alliance. When his Big Mom assassination plan started to go wrong, Bege only feigned betraying Luffy to avoid suspicion while secretly whispering to Luffy how their plans have started to fail. In fact, when Katakuri ordered Bege to kill Luffy, Bege outright refused and attacked Katakuri without hesitation to stop him from attacking Luffy.

Bege can be very cunning and pragmatic, not being above taking hostages, bluffing, or shooting people in the back in order to accomplish his goals. Whenever an enemy displays a potential weakness or opening, Bege has no qualms in exploiting it. His plan to assassinate Big Mom involved destroying a photo of Mother Carmel, a precious figure of her past, having observed that she lost her usual incredible toughness while suffering from a mental breakdown caused by the photo being slightly damaged. After he seemingly accepted Oven's demands to surrender for Chiffon's safety, he took a shot at Oven while the latter's guard was down. He also withheld information that his ship can travel on land with tank trends, enabling him to surprise the Big Mom Pirates while retrieving Chiffon and escape Cacao Island. While those moments may indicate that Bege is highly untrustworthy, he is noted by his wife, Chiffon, that he honors his deals and promises. As such, Bege promised to give Caesar's heart back after assassinating Big Mom, and even though the plan failed, Bege did kept his word and gave back the scientist's heart, showing his upholds his deals even if his plans fail.

He is also shown to be an opportunist, as he insisted on putting poison or planting explosives inside the substitute wedding cake as a second chance to kill Big Mom until Sanji convinced him otherwise. Because of this, Bege seems to show a boastful side, bragging to the Straw Hats that he is also one of the pirates of the Worst Generation like Luffy. Also, in contrast of his disinterest in fame, Bege holds his strategic plans in high regards and has the upmost faith in his tactical wit, and although he never brags about the success in his assassination plots or how well-thought out he puts them, he was displeased upon reading an article that claims Luffy to be the mastermind behind Big Mom's failed assassination plot.

After the timeskip, he and his crew became subordinates of the Big Mom Pirates. Rather than take on someone as powerful as Big Mom in direct combat, Bege submitted himself to her in order to gain opportunities to take her down. There, he sought to ensure that the wedding between Sanji and Pudding happened so that he could assassinate Big Mom. He was willing to silence members of the Big Mom Pirates such as Pekoms in order to ensure the success of his plot.

When he became a father and husband, Bege seems to have lessened his cruel and ruthless behavior to some extent, as he became somewhat more kinder and caring towards those who work under him. He is also not above acting foolish for his son, as Bege displayed a silly side in front of Pez in order to make him laugh. Bege can also show appreciation towards his subordinates or outsiders that he has no hostile relationships with. Bege praised the Straw Hats for bringing Brûlée as her powers can be exploited to further improve their chances of escape after assassinating Big Mom. Still, he doesn't like to be thought as a good person, finding disgust at the idea of people feeling grateful to him.

Bege outwardly considers empathy towards others to be weakness and cowardliness, unbefitting of pirates. This is most evident when he shot Pekoms in the back after the latter was willing to show mercy to the Straw Hat Pirates in thanks for saving the minks. However, he has shown to deeply care for his family and crew, being willing to risk his own life against Big Mom if it meant protecting the few people that are close to him. When Oven captured Chiffon and used her as a hostage, Bege went to rescue her without hesitation even when his ship was being surrounded by Big Mom's fleet and refused to abandon her when Chiffon begged him to.

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