One Piece - O-Tama

O-TamaO-Tama is a girl from the region of Kuri in Wano Country. She is a kasa weaver and a kunoichi in training. Tama is fairly short. She has violet hair arranged in a Shimada-style. She wears a light green kimono with many patch-works, a light orange obi, and orange sandals. She is quick to make friends, trusting and helping Luffy moments after he assured her he means her no harm. Being a kunoichi in training, she has a habit of starving herself as a means of training her body, forcing it mentally to let go of her hunger. She is also very brave, as she stood up to the Beasts Pirates when they tried stealing her belongings and even attacked one of them after being freed from captivity. However, she can also be careless, as shown when she revealed her allegiance to the Kozuki Family to the Beasts Pirates, drank out of a contaminated river and falling ill in the process, and disregarded her master's warnings not to show her powers in front of others, which caught the attention of Holdem.

Devil Fruit
Tama has eaten an unnamed Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to create food from her body. The food is capable of taming animals and does not typically work on humans, both in quelling hunger and taming. However, humans who have consumed a SMILE Devil Fruit are susceptible to being tamed by the food due to being part animal; it is unknown if this also applies to normal Zoan users. The food cannot be forcefully taken from Tama's body.

At some point around three to four years ago, Portgas D. Ace and his crew visited Wano Country, and Tama formed a bond with him. Tama wanted to go out to sea with Ace, but he told her that she was too young at the time. He promised that he would take her with him if she became a kunoichi by the time he returned and Tama waited for him since. On her eighth birthday, Tama went to the marketplace to buy some rice. However, she was confronted by some Beasts Pirates scouts and their baboon Hihimaru. Komachiyo came to protect her from Hihimaru, but the scouts took her belongings and she mentioned the Kozuki Family to threaten them, causing them to capture her.

Tama was tied up in a sack and begging to be free. The scouts went to confront Monkey D. Luffy, who had arrived in the country illegally. However, Luffy easily overwhelmed them, allowing Tama to free herself out of the sack and knock out one of the scouts. Afterward, Tama formally introduced herself to Luffy and tamed Hihimaru by giving it some Kibi Dango. She offered to make food for Luffy out of gratitude and helped him put the Sunny in a safe alcove on the coast. They went to her house, where she made rice confections for him before going to drink from the river to quell her hunger. She came back to find her master angered at Luffy for eating the rice, but she told him what had happened. However, she then fell ill due to drinking the contaminated river water polluted by Kaido's factories.

After Hitetsu revealed that Tama was waiting for Ace, Luffy informed them of Ace's death. Tama was distraught at the news and passed out. Luffy then decided to take her to a doctor and as Komachiyo gave them a ride through the bamboo forest, Tama accused Luffy of lying and explained about the promise Ace made to her. They later entered a wasteland and Tama explained about the terrible environment created by the Beasts Pirates before falling unconscious again.

Tama remained unconscious as Luffy reunited with Zoro after the latter saved a woman from Kaido's thugs. After Komachiyo dragged Luffy and Zoro away from a battle with Basil Hawkins and his men, the woman that Zoro saved, Tsuru, told the two Straw Hats to bring Tama to her tea shop. They later arrived at Okobore Town.

Tama felt better after receiving some medicine and she reluctantly ate some Oshiruko that Tsuru made for her. She then took a nap until Tsuru was attacked by the Gifter Batman. During the confusion, Tama was abducted by another Gifter, Gazelleman, and taken to Bakura Town. Tama was later taken to Holdem, who took an interest in her after hearing that she tamed Hihimaru, and planned to force her to use her ability.

Holdem pulled on Tama's cheek, but was unable to get anything out of her. He continued torturing Tama until Urashima was sent flying into his house by Luffy. Holdem then confronted Luffy, putting Tama into his lion's mouth and threatening to crush her. In a blink of an eye, Luffy attacked the lion head and freed Tama. After finding out that Holdem had used pliers to pull on Tama's cheek, Luffy dropped Tama in midair and turned around to strike Holdem with a powerful Red Hawk punch.

With Holdem defeated, Luffy then grabbed Tama again and ran away with her on the back of Speed, whom he mistook for a horse. Speed got angry, but quickly became subservient to Luffy and Tama after Tama offered some kibi dango at Luffy's request. They made their way to Okobore Town with the supply of food stolen from the Beasts Pirates. As she ate an apple, Luffy promised her that she would not go hungry again.

Tama then parted ways with Luffy and went back to her home by riding on Speed's back. On the way, both Tama and Speed were attacked by Kaido when the Yonko discovered them, and Tama was left lying bloodied on the ground. She was found by Inuarashi, who took her into the forest to receive treatment. Tama was then returned to her home where she was treated by Chopper and some of the minks. When Tama was worried about Luffy, Chopper assured her that Luffy has incredible recovery speed and his will would not be broken and that Raizo was planning on rescuing him.

While Momonosuke was practicing swordsmanship in Amigasa Village, Tama asked him about his sister, whom Momonosuke believed to still be alive. Tama commented that it would be nice if Momonosuke could meet her but he stated that he could not reunite with her until the shogun and Kaido's defeat.

Tama, Chopper, Kiku, and Momonosuke then went to Kuri Beach, where they encountered an amnesiac Big Mom. On the following morning, Tama's group took Big Mom to Okobore Town. Though Chopper was worried about Big Mom regaining her memories, Tama insisted on taking her to Udon, which Chopper reluctantly agreed with. The group then traveled to Udon, with Big Mom having tamed a Wanizame to carry them there. On the way there, Tama spoke to Hitetsu through a Smart Tanishi. Hitetsu objected to their quest and urged Tama to return to Amigasa Village, but Tama continued on with her group's journey. During the journey, Tama and Big Mom happily talked about Oshiruko. After night fell, the group eventually arrived at Udon.

On the next day, Tama's group arrived at the Prisoner Mines after Big Mom broke through the front gate. Kiku told Tama and Momonosuke to hide before proceeding with Chopper. When the emergency gates were closing, Tama and Momonosuke entered the Prisoner Mines.

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